If your skin sensitive after the treatment you can apply hydrocortisone cream, aloe, and take Advil for discomfort.
CLEANWash the treated area a few hours after treatment or before bed to remove all serum and dried blood. Continue to use a gentle cleanser and tepid water to clean the treated area for the next few days post-procedure. Always make sure hands are clean. Do not use cleansing brushes for at least 1 week after your treatment.
In the days following your treatment I recommend the use of collagen-stimulating peptide products, Hyaluronic Acid and Anti - Oxidant Serums. If a more aggressive treatment was performed you can use a more occlusive (sealing) balm such as Aquaphor.
Do not use any product (for 10-14 days post-treatment) containing:
- Alfa Hydroxy Acids
- Beta Hydroxy Acids
- Retinol (Vitamin A)
- Vitamin C,Alcohol
- Based Toners
- Scrubs
- Anything perceived as " active" skincar
MAKEUPDo not apply makeup for 24-72 hours after the procedure. After 72 hours mineral makeup can be applied using a clean brush.
PROTECTAvoid sun for a minimum of 72 hours. Do not apply any SPF for the next 12-24 hours post procedure.
From the 2nd day forward always wear sunscreen (I recommend a chemical free sunscreen).
Keep mind you should continue to use a sunscreen every day.Applying Sunscreen should be a part of your daily skincare routine to protect your skin from sun damage and premature aging.
Do not expose your treated skin to tanning beds.
Do not use a sauna, jacuzzi, or go swimming for at least 72 hours post treatment.
Do not exercise for the first 72 hours post treatment. Sweating and gym environments are filled with bacteria which may cause adverse reactions to your treated area.